Another unplanned rest day due to bad weather, so time for a stir-crazy moan.
I've never really had a need for the Strava fitness app, and I never really paid attention to it until the risible incident when US soliders in Afghanistan using the app were discovered to be unwittingly compromising their own security.
Strava has become a presence in my life for the duration of the Summit Challenge because it seems to be the only way I can automatically upload the GPS track from my Fitbit to automatically record my climb on my Everyday Hero donations page. Trouble is, it doesn't do so accurately. I've given up trying to understand the arcane explanations on the Strava site, but I have consistently found that my Fitbit does accurately match the elevation of key points as published in NZ topographic maps. However when the data comes through to Strava, it is consistently and inexplicably less by about 10%.

Wouldn't it be a bummer if you were actually climbing Everest using Strava, got to the summit, did the high five shot and trudged all the way back to Base Camp only to have Strava go, "er sorry mate, looks like you didn't summit after all, we've only got 7900m".
I am however, man enough to play the game by whatever the rules are, so I am going to go for my 8848m as recorded by Strava. I just wanted everyone to know this takes a bit more effort!
But wtf, Strava? Seriously if any anyone has any idea why this is the case I'm interested.
Moan over, back to the vertical tomorrow, only another 2000m to go!